Archives of Reception of the Bible

Past blogging in more ways than one.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Playing catch up and plans for the Summer

Well, term is coming to an end and hopefully a chance to get at the research again. And to the (blue moon) blogging! There was I hoping to talk about SBL seminars and the due date for proposals came and went. Oh well, if anyone submitted proposals for seminars like the History of Interpretation session, I’d like to hear about what you are doing. For the present I am rather distracted from reception issues, attempting to write a piece on the Jesus Seminar and the status of the red/pink sayings. In the next issue of JSHJ I have a piece on Simon of Cyrene, at the end of which I kind of bow out of the whole Questing business. But then I immediately get back into it again. Can’t quite work out how seriously scholars on both sides take the Jesus Seminar publications (Five Gospels and Acts of Jesus) that I find so interesting, but then that’s a major reception task in itself. I suspect I won’t ever take it on, but someone one day should. So, soon it is back to the reception of Acts, and then the reception of Hebrews.
But first, I have to look at the reception of Revelation. In September, we will be holding a colloquium at Bristol with thirteen participants from a variety of disciplines. The general idea is to build on the publication of the Blackwell Commentary on Revelation, written by Chris Rowland and Judith Kovacs. The assumption is that such a text should raise questions about its own take on reception and also open up possibilities for future study. Chris will take part in the Bristol meeting and the proceedings will be published, most likely in 2008. So a summer of Revelation…

Must be mad!


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