Archives of Reception of the Bible

Past blogging in more ways than one.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

'Interpreting the Bible through the Arts' day school, University of Oxford

The Centre for Reception History of the Bible is organising in collaboration with the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education a day school on the theme, 'Interpreting the Bible through the Arts'.

Date: Saturday 17th June 2006
Venue: Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford

9.30am Mark's Gospel through the Arts: a test case
Speaker: Dr Christine Joynes

10.45am Coffee/tea

11.15am From biblical bit part to devotional diva - scriptural sources and the development of Marian imagery
Speaker: Dr Cathy Oakes

12.30pm Lunch break

2.00pm The interpretation of the Bible in the paintings and engravings of William Blake
Speaker: Professor Christopher Rowland

3.15pm Tea/coffee

3.45pm Poetry and truth - George Herbert
Very Revd John Drury

5.00pm Course disperses

If you would like to attend this course, please contact Emily Yates, the OUDCE Day School Administrator (tel: 01865 270368 or email for details of price and booking arrangements.

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